The Complete Guide To Adjustable Temperature LED Lights
Sports lighting over the past decade has significantly evolved from the days of dimly lit, slow traditional lighting. Highly-advanced LEDs are standard in most arenas and stadiums across the country today. Installing LED lighting in your facility is an excellent start to boosting efficiency and cutting energy costs; however, you still need an optimal control system.
By utilizing adjustable temperature LED lights from a provider like NGU Sports Lighting, facility managers can maximize the lifespan of their bulbs through quality thermal management. Here’s everything you need to know:
What Are Adjustable Temperature LED Lights?
Adjustable temperature LED lights are technology equipped to control a light source’s color temperature output. LED temperature is controlled through a process called thermal management, which guides heat away from the source, ultimately maximizing performance. An LED’s lifespan depends on current operating temperatures. If the current operating input temperature is too high, bulbs are at risk of overheating.
They are created by manufacturing light sources with LEDs of different color temperatures. Attaching an external control system to your adjusted temperature lighting allows facility managers to select the desired color temperature range.
What Is LED Color Temperature?
The color temperature of light (CCT) is measured in degrees Kelvin (K). The temperature rating of light correlates with the shade visible to our eyes. Most LEDs in sports facilities across the country rank in the 2,700K to 6,500 K range. Lighting systems in the range of 2,700 K to 3,000 K are called warm white LEDs, producing a dim, orange or yellow shade we would typically see in traditional fluorescent or incandescent bulbs. The color visible to the human eye will change from yellow to white as kelvin increases. LED lights past the 6,500 K-mark are referred to as cool white bulbs, with an almost blue-like shine.
Why Choose Thermal Management?
Quality lighting is based on the effectiveness of thermal management. Bulbs need little maintenance and will have a long service lifespan if your facility conducts comprehensive thermal management. The following are thoughtful takeaways for quality thermal management control:
- Proper thermal management is essential for proper LED light settings.
- There is a high risk of failure or overheating by neglecting thermal management.
- The optimal temperature range for your LEDs equates to optimal performance.
- Heat-dissipating materials and other components are vital for thermal management success.
- Consistent thermal management extends the lifetime of your investment, reduces the risk of internal failure, and creates a safer environment due to quality.
Benefits of Adjustable LED Lights
While LED fixtures have been around for a while, adjustable lighting is a new, innovative feature with excellent flexibility benefits. Adjustable LED lights allow facility managers to customize lighting fit to the needs onsite, significantly boosting energy efficiency and saving money. Below, will we take a deeper dive into the benefits of adjustable temperature LED lights:
Sports venues are constantly changing to meet the needs of new events. Recently, college basketball non-conference tournaments were played on aircraft carriers to show support for the military. Color and wattage adjustable fixtures are adaptable to change to meet the need for a space.
Design Flexibility
Facility managers can control the lighting within any space at the touch of a button, thanks to the design flexibility of controlled color temperature. Companies spend considerable time in the design process testing color matching in various environments.
Color Matching
Color matching was an early issue when LED fixtures were first installed in venues. At NGU Sports Lighting, our experts have nailed our color-matching process to a science with our adjustable temperature fixtures.
Reduced Risk
Hitting power capacity with traditional light fixtures is a constant concern for venues still using older technology. With Adjustable temperature LED lights, facility managers can easily lower wattage to save energy, ensuring power capacity isn’t reached.
Those of us involved in sports know how many hours are spent around facilities. Did you know that different types of lighting have direct health correlations? As we’ve already defined above, warm white LEDs ranging from 2,700 K to 3,000 K are the most popular bulbs in sports facilities. Warm white lighting has excellent health benefits, like lowering hormone levels and calming the body, which allows for better healing and rest. Even cool white lighting increases a healthy appetite, body temperature, and cognitive functions.
If your sporting facility is looking to install or make the switch to LED lighting, you also need an adjustable temperature LED light system to maximize the performance of your bulbs. Contact our team of experts at NGU Sports Lighting today for a bright and efficient future.
Adjustable Temperature LED Light Products
Providers like NGU Sports Lighting are dedicated to providing long-lasting and affordable solutions for various venues. We partnered with Ephesus to produce the LUMASPORT 8 Pro Fixture, which is ideal for supporting multipurpose facilities.
LUMASPORT 8 Pro Fixture
NGU Sports Lighting offers quality adjustable temperature LED lighting with the LUMASPORT 8 Pro Fixture. This model is also ideal for replacing old metal halide systems with various benefits to fit your venue’s needs. The LUMASPORT 8 Pro Fixture takes the game to the next level, offering benefits like:
- Tuneable white LEDs, adept at lighting both indoor and outdoor venues
- 55,000 or 90,000-lumen output options
- Impact-resistant glass, reduces system downtime
- Power redundancy, reduces maintenance costs
- Wireless AirMesh for remote control of all lighting fixtures
Choose High-Quality Adjustable Temperature LED Lights at NGU Sports Lighting Today
Creating or installing a new lighting system for a venue can take a lot of work. Luckily, NGU Sports Lighting is the partner for any job in a sports facility. We’ve provided arenas and stadiums nationwide with quality LED lighting products since pioneering the industry in 2012. Installing adjustable temperature LED lights takes the process further to maximize your lighting efficiency. Contact us today for quality lighting control in your venue.